Textured Business Cards
A textured business card, which is printed on embossed paper, will look new and modern. The base can have any drawing, which makes it an individual. This approach to printing guarantees that only you will have such advertising material in addition to the original image, the font of the letters, and color shades, you can choose your own drawing for textured paper.
We offer high-quality texture business cards for your business to grow and attract many customers The base can be styled to match any surface wood, fabric, or leather. Such decoration is achieved by relief and color; paper of different thicknesses is used for production, but it will still be paper. A textured paper business card looks unusual; a person has the feeling of having a rare or expensive thing in his hands.
I Want
Creative BC Design!
Beautiful business cards help to leave a
remarkable first impression to your clients.
Looking for
Premium BC Impression?
Many came to us for creating deep impression on a
thick & premium paper business card.